The dollar was quoted at yen → 動詞表 参照 quote quote 2 noun countable COMMERCE a written statement of how much something will cost, for example some building work 類義語 QUOTATION Always get a quote before proceeding with work 語源 quote 1 () Medieval Latin quotare, from Latin quot " how many "3 〈語句などを〉引用符に入れるで囲む 4 (1) 《商業》の値を見積もる;の相場を(と)つける, 時価を言う ( (at )) The commodity was quoted at two dollars その商品の相場は2ドルだった (2) quote A B/quote B to A 〈A(人)にB(値段)を〉言う quote him a price =a price to him 彼に値段を言う ━━ (自) I ( 副)「Get better at~」は「~が上手になる」という意味があります。 スキルとかやり方を上達するということです。
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